Business Services > How to Switch

Sign up to savings in 4 easy steps.

4 steps is all it takes

You’re ready to switch and save? Great news! Here at Ezone Cornwall we want to make this process as simple and easy as possible. All it takes is 4 steps and you could switch in as little as 15 minutes.

1. Make sure you have all your business details to hand. This includes your business name, address, phone number, email address and Direct Debit details.

2. If you can, find a copy of your latest bill for the essential service you’re looking to switch. This is really useful to provide key information we need to give you a direct comparison quote.

3. Give our team a call on 01209 697273 or fill in the form at the bottom of the page. Our team are ready and waiting to find you the best deal for your essential services.

4. Let us take care of the rest with our Managed Switching Service. We will do the rest to ensure a seamless transition.

What we need to know

There are a few bits of information that we need to know when you switch, luckily these will mostly be found on your bill. Select the service you are interested in to find out more.


For Phone Line and Broadband services, we will need to know:

  • Your current phone number
  • Who your current provider is
  • How much you are spending each month

If you’re looking to switch your Mobile to Ezone Cornwall we will need:

  • Your Ezone Cornwall Account Number (our Mobile offers are only available to existing customers)
  • Your Mobile number if you are want to keep it
  • Your PAC from your current provider. See how to get this information


For Water services, we will need to know:

  • The address of the business site you want us to supply (this might be different from your registered address)
  • Your Supply Point Identification Number (SPID). We can help you with this if you don’t know it.











For Gas and Green Electricity services, we will need to know:

  • Your contract end date with your current provider
  • Your supply point number(s):
    • MPAN for Electricity
    • MPRN for Gas
    • We can help you with this if you don’t know it.








The information our sister company The Insurance Octopus will need depends on the type of Business Insurance you are looking for. Typical things they need to know include:

  • Your profession
  • Your turnover
  • The number of employees you have
  • The value of your Business Equipment
  • Any additional or specific cover you require

Don’t worry though, the team will guide you through all the questions step-by-step.

If you can have your latest policy handy then that would be a great starting point.

Ready to sign up to Savings?

Give us a call on 01209 697273