Business Services > Our One Bill Solution

One bill.

Say goodbye to ‘admin time’ with six essential services on just One Bill..

We know how busy you are, too busy for paperwork

When you sign up to Ezone Cornwall, all monthly services are invoiced on One Bill with one Direct Debit payment. No matter how many services you take or how many sites you have.

Streamline your essential services

We noticed that business owners could be dealing with up to six different providers for your Phone Lines, Broadband, Mobile, Gas, Green Electricity and Water services just to keep your business running. We also noticed that business owners are some of the people with the least spare time.

So, we decided to do something about it. With us you’ll only receive one bill for all monthly services and have one point of contact.

One monthly Direct Debit Payment

Six payments due for six different services is not only time-consuming when it comes to paying them, it can also make managing your cashflow a nightmare.

We issue bills from 10th of the month and take one Direct Debit payment for all your services shortly after you receive your bill.

Save admin time

Utilities and telecoms bills all over the place? Need to speak to someone about renewing your Broadband agreement? Want to double check when your Energy fixed term is ending? Have a simple billing query for your Phone Line and your Water services? Not sure where any of the customer service numbers are and simply do not have the time to make all those calls?!

If this sounds familiar then you’ve come to the right place. We can save you all the admin time of not only managing your bills and payments but also the time it takes dealing with separate customer service teams.

Six essential services. One Bill. One point of contact.

What will you do with all the extra time?

Gain time by streamlining your essential services today.